Frequently Asked Questions

  • TruRep is the only training tool on the market that gives real-time feedback and instantly allows players to adjust and make corrections to create optimal shooting form. It does this while requiring no inconvenient gadgets or contraptions.

  • Although we'll soon introduce New Premium Features, TruRep is currently FREE on the App Store.

  • TruRep automatically tracks your good reps and shooting percentage over time. This includes breakdowns by drill, shot location, and shot distance.

  • TruRep uses AI Technology that tracks the shooting movement from a players shooting pocket through their release. TruRep gives players both physical & audio-correction feedback through their smartwatch. The haptic feedback comes during a players follow-through to immediately help them while shooting.

  • Close out and Restart both the Phone and Watch App

  • Must have WatchOS 9+ to use, which is only available on Applewatch Series 2 and beyond

  • Email Support@trurepapp.com